Thursday 9 September 2010


It's been a while since I have updated and there are many reasons for this which I am going to vent now!!!

My laptop never effing works!!! I don't know what is wrong with it, I turn it on and before I have had time to update my facebook status it freezes and crashes!! I need a new one but am currently so skint it's unreal! The use of Internet and selling my possessions (all except Chanel) is how I was surviving!
So I am currently now sat in the University learning centre trying to eBay things only to find that it is taking it's absolute sweet time to upload the photos!!! All I want right now is a computer that works so I can get on with uploading my possessions to eBay but this seems to be far too much trouble!

Skint is not the word to describe what I am right now, seriously I can't even afford this months Vogue let alone food!!! I'm going to New York soon and need a passport but HSBC have now decided to start charging me £30 every time I go over my overdraft, the little nasties! This has never happened before.

I need a get rich quick scheme and at the moment scratch cards are hating on me and computers seem to not work around me when I try to eBay my posses ions so if anyone has any ideas on making fast cash then answers on a post card please!!!

P.S I have applied for bar jobs and flyering of an evening - where did my glamorous life go???
