Thursday 16 December 2010

Been away for a while...

Ok so not updated my blog in like forever! I went to New York and New York City suits me, I love it too much and need to move there, I was even more fabulous in New York than I am in England.

Since being back I have obviously been the most skint that I have in my life, I resisted Chanel as too poor but bought a gorgeous patent Tory Burch purse and treated myself to the Balenciaga perfume as well as buying the one Christmas present that I have still only bought.............9 days until Christmas and I cannot finish my Christmas shopping until the 23rd -whoops!!!

There are just so many things to pay for these days that are not as exciting as things I used to spend my money on, lets face it rent, electric and phone bills are a necessity but why can't I have money left at the end of the month to treat myself on a new pair of shoes or a dress??? 2011 is gonna be the year that I clear my overdraft so that I can actually once again treat myself for real. It's gonna be long, it's gonna be hard but it needs to be done, and until then I will continue with selling my life on eBay each month, with the occasional treat as well as my new making money scheme of online bingo. I believe online bingo is the future, I say this only winnning £28 but this is £28 I wouldn't have if I didn't sign up to online bingo and claim my free £2 sign up bonus. - So I have now taken upon myself to join other online bingo websites and wait for them to credit my account with a £1 or £2 bonus which I will hopefully turn into more than that -fingers crossed and I will keep you posted. If my plan is successful this time next year I will have some Chanel jewellery, obviously vintage and probably Susan Caplan vintage.

We can all dream anyway.

Peace, love xoxo

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